
Loan consolidation is the process of combining several student loans into one new loan. You may be able to combine your federal student loans into a single new loan with a 直接合并贷款. As shown below, there are several reasons why loan consolidation might be helpful. 

  • 的 loans included in the 直接合并贷款 贷款发放时是否会支付.
  • 您将收到一个新的还款时间表 based on the amount of your 直接合并贷款, the loan 利率 and the 还款 plan chosen.
  • Standard, graduated, extended, income-contingent, and income-driven 还款计划 是可用的.
  • 直接合并贷款 提供 拖延和忍耐 选项.

Loan consolidation requires research and careful consideration. Consolidation may be a helpful strategy for successful 还款 if you:

  • 需要减少 你每月的贷款总额
  • 有多个 贷款服务商
  • 有贷款 with variable 利率s (利率s for the loan that change yearly)
  • 想做什么? 菲尔,珀金斯和护理贷款的资格 公共服务贷款豁免

减少月供vs. 支付的利息总额增加

Consolidated loans can have longer 还款 periods than unconsolidated loans, which 提供s the advantage of having lower monthly payments. 然而, 这样做的缺点是, 由于还款期限较长, more interest generates over the life of the loan. 的 直接合并贷款 application will include estimated 还款 information under eligible 还款计划.



毕业生的多项学生贷款总额 $29,000.

  • 每月付款总额: $319
  • 利率: 3.4% to 6.8%
  • 贷款期限内的总利息: $6,669
  • T贷款终身支付总额: $35,669

A graduate’s multiple loans become a single consolidated loan with standard 还款 totaling $29,000.

  • 单月付款: $183
  • 利率: 4.5%
  • Total interest over life of consolidated loan: $15,032
  • T合并贷款终身支付总额: $44,032

合并贷款, 毕业生每月少付136美元, 但要额外支付8美元,在贷款期间利息为363美元.

Find more information with the additional calculators below, or at your loan servicer’s website:


要符合申请直接合并贷款的资格, 你必须有合格的贷款 — such as at least one Direct Loan or Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) — that is in grace, 还款, 延期, 或者默认状态. 贷款 that are in an in-school status cannot be included in a 直接合并贷款.

  • 如果你没有直接贷款, you may be eligible for a 直接合并贷款 under the following conditions:
    • Either you include at least one FFEL loan and have been unable to obtain a 直接合并贷款 with a FFEL consolidation lender,
    • Or you have been unable to obtain a 直接合并贷款 with income-sensitive 还款 条款 acceptable to you,
    • Or you intend to apply for loan forgiveness under the 公共服务贷款豁免 Program.
  • If you have only a 直接合并贷款, you cannot consolidate again unless you include an additional eligible loan.
  • 联邦护理学生贷款 are eligible 包括在直接合并贷款中.
  • 如果你拖欠债务, you may have certain requirements to meet before you may consolidate loans. 联系 your loan holder or servicer for more information.
  • 合资格的贷款是针对借款人的; students cannot include a Parent PLUS Loan in their 直接合并贷款.
  • 另类(私人)贷款 are not eligible for a 直接合并贷款.


的 利率 for a 直接合并贷款 is based on the weighted average of the loans that are consolidated rounded up to 1/8 of a percent.

的re is no cap on the 利率 of a 直接合并贷款. Borrowers who have variable rate direct loans and PLUS loans may wish to wait until the new variable 利率s are announced to evaluate whether to consolidate loans before or after the new variable rates are effective.


申请资料可浏览 studentaid.政府.

  • 你必须在本票上签字并填写完整 完成你的申请.
  • 直接合并贷款支付 approximately 60–90 days after the application is completed.
  • 的 直接合并贷款 online application 将纳入您的累积贷款记录. 的 application and your loan records can be found at studentaid.政府.
  • 联邦护理学生贷款是合格的 包括在直接合并贷款中, but are not included in NSLDS and must be added to be included.

Continue to make payments on your loans or you may request a period of forbearance (a period of time in which your monthly payments are reduced or stopped) until you are notified that the disbursement of your 直接合并贷款 has been completed.


珀金斯贷款宽免(取消) 选项 are not available for the Perkins Loan amount included in a consolidation loan.

If you anticipate eligibility for Perkins Loan forgiveness (取消) you may withhold the loan(s) from consolidation. 在未来, if you don’t qualify for forgiveness on the loan, or still have a balance remaining after maximum forgiveness has been received, you can consolidate the loan and the existing 直接合并贷款.

Perkins 贷款 are unsubsidized portions of a 直接合并贷款; the interest subsidy of an unconsolidated Perkins Loan is not retained.


Some lenders offer private consolidation loans, varying from lender to lender. If you wish to pursue a private consolidation loan, be sure to fully understand the calculation of interest, 条款, 借款人的利益.

Additional information regarding private consolidation loans is available from 资助.org and from the lender offering you a private loan consolidation product.