Upper Gwinn is approximately 6,包括门厅和可容纳约450人的大型会议空间. 会议空间也可以分为两个独立的房间, 一个可容纳240人的房间(安妮女王房间)和一个可容纳120人的房间(瀑布房间).


Whether you’re an internal or external client, 这里有一些指导方针,当你在上格温下议院计划一个活动时要记住.

  • 桌子和椅子不得从校园的任何其他位置移动.
  • Soft seating furniture must remain in the lobby.
  • 任何物品或标志不得用胶带、钉子或螺丝固定在墙上.
  • 经批准,设施可协助悬挂横幅或标志.
  • Bubble/smoke machines, glitter, chalk, 或其他可能对建筑物内部或外部造成损害的物品是不允许的.

Reservations: How far in advance?

  • SPU“主要活动”(由SLT批准):在上格温提前12个月预留场地.
  • 其他SPU活动:在上格温提前9个月预订场地.
  • 外部非spu活动:最多提前6个月在Upper Gwinn预订场地.

All internal space requests are made through Roomfinder. All external space requests are made through the Event Request Form.

Use of the foyer

The foyer cannot be reserved as a standalone space. 网易彩票app同时预订喀斯喀特和安妮女王房间,所有团体都需要进入门厅. As a result, foyer activities are limited to check-in, registration, and other similar small activities. 要使用门厅进行以上活动,您必须预订整个上格温公地.

Concurrent reservations in adjoining rooms

会议服务在喀斯喀特和安妮女王房间同时预订活动, while remaining sensitive to event type, noise level, and other factors.


Contact Conference Services (conferenceservices@7453h.com) for current rates for the Queen Anne Room, Cascade Room, and all of Upper Gwinn (exclusive use of Queen Anne, Cascade, and foyer). We use a streamlined flat rate per room.

External groups may also submit an Event Request Form. 内部群组可以通过206-281-2187 (x2187从校园电话)或与会议服务部门联系 conferenceservices@7453h.com.

SPU设施的预订优先级是根据定义和日期为SPU和非SPU事件确定的. Here’s how it works.

SPU events

SPU事件由两个类别定义——“主要事件”和“其他事件”.” They are co-curricular, educational, 以及加强和促进大学学术和社区环境的社会项目. 主要活动安排在秋季、冬季和春季三个学期.

主事件是支持更广泛的SPU任务的重复发生的事件, as determined by the President’s Cabinet.

  • 例如:同学会,小组,教师晚宴,董事会会议.

Other events are those that fit into the broader description of SPU events; they are primarily designed for, and attended by, SPU students, faculty, staff, and their guests; and/or, they are primarily funded by SPU dollars.

  • 这些活动在SPU主要活动安排后以先到先得的方式保留.
Non-SPU events

Non-SPU-related events 是非营利、免税组织所要求的吗[501c3]. 这些课程主要是为与SPU无关的人设计和参加的, and are primarily funded through non-SPU dollars.

  • 在夏季课程和学期休息期间,与体育学院无关的活动将被优先考虑.
  • All non-SPU-related events are scheduled, contracted, and coordinated through the Conference Services office.

Contact Conference Services for more information.

Placing holds on a date
  • You may place up to three holds for a single event.
  • 持有自放置之日起90天到期,或在提议的事件日期前30天到期, whichever comes first.
  • If you place a hold within 30 days of your event, 您的保留将在预订之日起三天后到期.


Changing event dates
  • You may change your confirmed event date at any time, up to one week before your event, without penalty, as long as your new date is also available.
Event cancellation
  • 您可以在活动前30天取消在Upper Gwinn的已确认活动,而不会受到处罚. 任何在30天内取消的活动将被收取100美元的取消费用.


Gwinn Commons exterior

Seating layouts

与会议服务部门谈谈你在SPU上格温举办的活动所需的座位安排. Here are a few suggestions.

Note:下面列出的所有容量都是最大值,需要最少的额外设置. 增设舞台、展览桌、餐桌等. will impact seating capacities.

Queen Anne Room

Banquet-style seating 160
Theatre-style seating 240
Square footage 2,875

Cascade Room

Banquet-style seating 64
Theatre-style seating 120
Square footage 1,765

Queen Anne and Cascade Room

Banquet-style seating 320
Theatre-style seating 500*
Square footage 4,640


Banquet-style seating 40
Theatre-style seating n/a
Square footage 1,430

*Upper Gwinn contains 400 matching chairs. 任何额外的座位都需要通过设施订购.


Banquet seating chart: 5 rows of four circular tables, with 8 seats around each one, for 160 seats total




U-shaped seating chart, U的两边各有12个席位,中间有6个席位, for 30 seats in total




Crescent seating chart: 3 rows of 8 tables, 每张桌子有四个面向房间前方的座位(总共96个座位)


Contact Conference Services 有关如何为下次活动配置座位的详细信息.

virtual campus

ADA access?

你会在德马雷停车场找到美国残疾人协会批准的残疾人停车位. 通过艾姆斯图书馆后门进入Gwinn Commons, through the Library to Martin Square, 然后上gwin Commons电梯到三楼.

Campus accessibility map