
A. Falcon Advantage is a course material delivery program where all of a student’s required course materials are provided to them automatically on the first day of class. This ensures that every student is given the same access to ALL of the materials they need to succeed in class. The cost of the materials is administered through the school and the school pays Akademos an annual fee for their services and software.

A. Every student receives their course materials – physical and/or digital – by the first day of class at an affordable price.

When students are provided with their materials on time and at an affordable cost, they can engage with them early and often and experience better learning outcomes resulting in successful program completion and graduation.

A. 所有学生都包括在这个项目中.

A. 是的. 如果学生愿意,他们可以选择退出, though we strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this program because it offers discounted course materials with the advantage of students being ready for their classes on the first day.

A. Akademos sources both physical and digital texts as well as rental textbooks. 格式通常取决于所选项目及其可用性.

A. All students pay a low cost per-credit hour each quarter that covers all required course materials, 不管每本教科书的价格是多少. Akademos sells all materials to the institution at cost and charges a service fee, allowing us to recommend the adoption of lower cost subscriptions and 以上材料 that can help lower the cost to students.


A. 请浏览网址: spu.textbookx.com 用你的学校账号登录. Once logged in you will see all of the courses that you are assigned to teach or oversee. Use the search tool to type in an ISBN or title and then follow the steps to add details and submit it to Akadémos. You can also message your Akadémos Client Success Manager through the website if you have special textbook settings or requests.

A. Faculty have academic freedom and can select the materials they feel are best for their class, 包括传统教科书, 以上材料, 或其他非教科书项目. Digital materials are often encouraged because they are more affordable and students receive access immediately, 如果他们增加或减少课程,哪一个会有帮助. akadfraudmos的网站和客户成功管理人员提供了这些工具, 分析, and information so that faculty and administrators have a clear picture of textbook costs for transparency and can review opportunities to lower costs quarter over quarter.

A. 领养截止日期为每个季度开始前90天. In order for Akadémos to deliver all print and digital materials to students on the first day of class, we need the support and participation of faculty and administrators to submit adoptions on time. 一次提交, akadsamos审查它们以确保a)建立可用性, B)成本最低的格式, c)向采用者提供任何建议. 如果网易彩票app预见到可用性问题, 网易彩票app可能会向你推荐类似的游戏, 可供选择的格式(电子书vs捆绑包或实体请求), 或建议使用OER等替代材料, 哪些内容相同,价格更低.


Faculty may begin submitting adoptions for the upcoming quarter 90 days prior to the start of that quarter. 所有的收养都要在下一季度开始前的60天内完成. Adoptions that are not submitted by this deadline will be accepted as eBook/digital resources only (where offered through VitalSource) for the purpose of resource procurement timelines. (eBook options can be identified by accessing the Akadémos adoptions portal, 输入图书/资料的标题或ISBN, 并确定电子书/数字版本是否显示为选项. If found on the adoptions portal as eBook/digital, the resource may be adopted.) Late adoptions of any kind will not be accepted after 30 days prior to the start of the upcoming quarter and students will not receive resources allocated by the program for which they are paying.

For additional questions about any of these policies, please send inquiries to bookstore@7453h.com.

A. 是的, instructors who wish to utilize a physical option for their course materials even if lower-cost, 提供数码产品, 是否可以在做收养部分时指出这个选择. 一旦被管理员批准, Akadémos will conform to this choice and deliver the item in physical formats.

A. 如果您创建的材料包括传统文本的选择, 图书馆资源, 幻灯片, 等., you can submit those through the website and it will be provided as a coursepack.

A. 是的, this program includes all courses in a quarter and is not offered on a course-by-course basis. Please make sure to indicate that your materials are OER or other in the website so bookstore staff can provide a full course list to students.

A. We encourage faculty members to submit their adoptions early and to avoid making last-minute changes due to the nature of the program. If you have an unavoidable change, please contact your Client Success Manager as soon as possible.


A. All digital course material access information will be emailed to students on or before the first day of class. 视项目而定, 材料将通过学生的LMS (Canvas)帐户提供, 出版商网站, 或通过VitalSource (akad2013.2013.10).

A. 住在学校的学生可以在 邮件服务 或者可以更改地址,把它们送到他们家. 住在校外的学生, 上下班, or attend remotely can designate their delivery location on the Akadémos site.

A. Students will be responsible for obtaining their course materials on their own if they decide not to participate in the program. They will have the option to order some or all of their course materials through the website with standard payment options (credit card, 借记卡, ApplePay, 谷歌支付, 贝宝). Please note that Seattle Pacific will not have course materials for sale on campus.


A. spu.textbookx.com/help. Through that page students can use the dynamic help tool to answer their questions or they can call or email the bookstore.

A. 请通过书店的网站联系你的客户成功经理.

A. 联系你的出版商代表或访问他们的教师帮助页面. 在某些情况下,你的客户成功经理可能会提供帮助, 但建议先去找出版商.